Monday, September 3, 1984

Day 1: The Outer Rim

9:29 AM
Huzzah for random Star Wars references! Ahem.
We begin our journey just outside the plant cell. I am shrunk to quite literally a microscopic size. The cell looks huge in my perspective, so you know I have to be small!

There's a dense, stretchy substance in front of me that makes it difficult to enter the cell directly. This is a good thing because if I could get in easily, then who knows what other nasty bacteria or disease could get in! The main function of the cell wall, if you haven't guessed already, is for protection. Consider an eggshell. It is hard to the touch and difficult to get in without damaging it. Likewise, it will take some skill to get in without damaging it. Luckily, I do this for a living and so I know how to get in. A protein is approaching and it seems to be permeating inside by using pores on the side. I'm right behind it!

10:04 AM
Now that I'm inside, I hardly know where to begin. It's like nothing I have ever seen before and I fear I will never get to it all! I'm surrounded by a thick, jelly-like substance: the cell membrane! Like the cell wall, it is also a protective device. By selective permeation and osmosis, only certain molecules can get in. Fortunately, I am one of those molecules!
Phew! What an exhausing first day! Tomorrow will be even more exciting, I'm sure!
Signing off,
--Mr. Kelley

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