Thursday, September 6, 1984

Day 4: Waste is Not a Waste!

8:09 AM

We're arriving at the vacuole now, the largest structure inside the cell. This oval monstrosity processes and gets rid of waste inside the cell. It also regulates the amount of water within. This is especially important because if it has too little water, it will not function properly; but on the other hand, too much water could cause the cell to burst, killing it. Hopefully, it won't happen whilst we are in it! In any case, it will take all day to explore its functions due to the sheer size of it.

There are two ways to think of a vacuole because it has two different functions. One way is to think of it as a waste treatment plant that processes water from houses. Another is to think of a sponge. It absorbs water, taking it away from its original starting point. It can also return the water, or even add more to the starting place.

How creative can you get with a waste treatment mechanism and water regulator. It's a Cell Toilet.

Well, I must be off. We're about to disembark from the ship to explore!


--Mr. Kelley

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