Wednesday, September 5, 1984

Day 3: Delving Deeper

11:54 AM
We've just passed the chloroplasts of the cell, and what a delightful mechanism they are. They are the reason that plants are green. You have, of course, heard of pigment , which colors our skin. This is the parallel of our pigment, but with plants. Chloroplasts make up the pigment in plants, and lots of them. For some reason, the name Crayola comes to mind upon viewing them. Chloroplasts are located throughout the cell.

12:07 PM
We are now approaching the Golgi apparatus. It is a hollowed structure with modification enzymes in it. It's main purpose is working with the endoplasmic reticulum packaging and distributing proteins. Call it the Pony Express, only without mail! Like any postal system, it delivers.

12:32 PM
We've reached my favorite part of the cell, the mitochondria. Think of this bean-shaped structure as an electrical power plant, which sends energy to homes in its district. The mitochondria has a relatively similar job: simply put, it gives the cell energy. The inside is a great squiggle filled with the energy-giving substance. I call it the MIGHTYchondria because it has to be powerful in order to give all that energy for the cell to do all of its endless tasks.

We'll be drifting along the cytoplasm for the rest of the day. Until tomorrow!

--Mr. Kelley

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